About me
Jen Mayer is the Founder & Principal of Becoming Better Together, LLC, a consulting collective focusing on delivering research-based and practical expertise clients need, when they need it. Mayer’s work focuses on helping leaders work from their collective wisdom while building the relationships and skills to take action and expand their impact. She is a Certified Professional Coach, trainer, instructional designer, and facilitator with more than 30 years of experience in culture transformation, change management, liberatory-consciousness, and team effectiveness. Jen is a graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. She has been trained by the National Equity Project, the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, and is a founding participant in Margaret Wheatley’s Warriors of the Human Spirit Fellowship. Clients include the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Aspen Institute, Carnegie Corporation, Children’s Mercy Hospital KC, Google, and The New York Times.