About me
Becky Fifield is Associate Director, Collection Management at The New York Public Library. Beginning her cultural heritage career in 1988, she has provided collection management expertise to libraries and museums for over 30 years experience including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Becky holds an M.A. in Museum Studies from The George Washington University, where she was a National Endowment for the Humanities Collection Care Administrator Training Program Fellow and student of Carolyn Rose and Catharine Hawks. Interested in how collaboration between fields improves preservation outcomes, Becky has led and collaborated on the development of AIC workshops on reading architectural drawings, centering value in how we promote collection care, and using influence strategies in collection care. She has lectured widely on emergency preparedness and collection management topics for the American Institute for Conservation, the American Alliance of Museums, the Association of Registrars and Collection Specialists, the Association for Preservation Technology International, the NYC Office of Emergency Management, the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York University, the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, and MuseumStudy.com. One of the first non-conservators to be awarded Fellow status within the American Institute of Conservation, Becky is former Chair and founding member of the AIC’s Collection Care Network, a former AIC Emergency Committee member, Member Designation Working Group Rubric Sub-group, and Held in Trust Preventive Conservation and Collection Care task group. She is a Principal Member of the National Fire Protection Association’s Cultural Resource Technical Committee (NFPA 909), a former Advisory Council member of the Association of Registrars and Collection Specialists, and a former Chair of Alliance for Response NYC.