About me
Warren Jones is CEO of Qanirtuuq Inc. Warren is a lifelong resident of Quinhagak and has been a community leader for many years, serving in law enforcement, fisheries management and since 2006 as CEO of Qanirtuuq, the ANCSA Corporation for Quinhagak and owners of the Nunalleq collection. He was instrumental in working with elders to build a consensus that allowed the Nunalleq Project to go forward and supplied its start-up funding through a grant from the Alaska Federation of Natives. Warren has coordinated local support and logistics for the Nunalleq project from the outset, which depended almost exclusively on local funds for its first four years. He led the repurposing of the Nunalleq Museum building, co-authored a number of academic papers and has been an articulate Native voice in world-wide media coverage. Warren leads by ensuring projects meet the needs and values of the Yup’ik community.