Welcome to the AIC Annual Meeting Program! Browse our draft schedule for the 2025 meeting in Minneapolis!


Please note that ticketed events like workshops, luncheons, tours, and receptions are add-ons for meeting attendees. The prices listed are in addition to the meeting registration fees.

Banner photo by Lane Pelovsky, Courtesy of Meet Minneapolis
Wednesday May 28, 2025 1:00pm - 4:30pm CDT
  • $39 registration fee
  • maximum 50 registrants
  • Adding this event to your schedule does not guarantee you a space. You must add it to your registration via the above "Add to Registration" button.

The Paintings Specialty Group (PSG) is excited to offer Easel Exchange again at the upcoming annual meeting in Minneapolis! Due to the popularity of the event, they are expanding this year’s Easel Exchange to 50 participants—sign up soon to reserve your spot!

Last year, PSG hosted the first Easel Exchange, a lunchtime session that allowed conservators to informally present complex decision-making strategies for ongoing treatments, gain feedback on current practices, and generate ideas on paths forward. To continue this brainstorming and sharing of ideas amongst paintings conservators at different stages of their careers, PSG is excited to offer Easel Exchange again in 2025 in an expanded pre-session format, allowing for more paintings conservators to participate, for expanded topics, and for additional time to rotate tables.

Prior to the pre-session, participants will receive an email link through which they can submit a brief description of an ongoing treatment/treatment case study which they will then share informally with a smaller group the day of. These case studies will then by divided into different tables which could include the following topics (dependent on submission content):

  • Cleaning Considerations
  • New Conservation Materials
  • Aesthetic Integration & Inpainting
  • Structural Treatments
  • Varnishing Strategies
  • Conservation Outreach
  • Contemporary Art & Modern Materials
  • Ethics & Interfacing with Stakeholders
Participants will also be asked to rank the following topics; this will be used to pre-assign tables and table rotation prior to the event. For questions or more information, please contact Julianna Ly (JLy@clevelandart.org) or Fiona Rutka (fiona.rutka@pch.gc.ca).

We’re looking forward to brainstorming treatment strategies with you!
Wednesday May 28, 2025 1:00pm - 4:30pm CDT
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis

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