Welcome to the AIC Annual Meeting Program! Browse our draft schedule for the 2025 meeting in Minneapolis!


Please note that ticketed events like workshops, luncheons, tours, and receptions are add-ons for meeting attendees. The prices listed are in addition to the meeting registration fees.

Banner photo by Lane Pelovsky, Courtesy of Meet Minneapolis
Wednesday May 28, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
In this session, members of the core group of the AIC Ethics Core Documents Review Task Force will present the process followed to revise the AIC Code of Ethics, Guidelines for Practice, and Commentaries, and will host a discussion on this process. The core group was initially tasked with identifying areas in the core ethics documents that needed updating and forming subgroups to address these areas. Presenters will explain how we identified the subjects for updates, selected the subgroup topics, and chose subgroup members. The presentation will detail how subgroups approached their revisions, how feedback from the subgroups was incorporated into the first draft of the new AIC ethics core documents, and the subsequent process of gathering feedback from AIC membership. The session will consist of a presentation and ample time for questions and discussion.

This event is free and open to all attendees
Wednesday May 28, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis

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