Welcome to the AIC Annual Meeting Program! Browse our draft schedule for the 2025 meeting in Minneapolis!


Please note that ticketed events like workshops, luncheons, tours, and receptions are add-ons for meeting attendees. The prices listed are in addition to the meeting registration fees.

Banner photo by Lane Pelovsky, Courtesy of Meet Minneapolis

Wednesday, May 28

4:00pm CDT

6:30pm CDT

Thursday, May 29

9:04am CDT

2:00pm CDT

2:30pm CDT

(Architecture) Heat, Humidity, and Pressure: Leveraging Techniques from Other Disciplines to Preserve Graffiti and Architectural Paints at a Historic Prison Museum Hyatt Regency MinneapolisMeris Westberg • Meris Westberg (Book and Paper) Archivists and Conservators: An Unlikely Love Story Hyatt Regency MinneapolisLaura McCann • Weatherly Stephan • Laura McCann • Weatherly Stephan (Contemporary Art)Mud Musings: Changing Systems and Ideas in Robert Rauschenberg’s Sound-Activated Artworks Hyatt Regency MinneapolisMy Bundgaard • Caroline Carlsmith • My Bundgaard • Caroline Carlsmith • Tora Hederus (Electronic Media) Machine Learning in Art: Tools, Techniques, and Implications for Conservation Hyatt Regency MinneapolisDeena Engel • Deena Engel (Photographic Materials) “Lights on Vivex prints!” Raman identification and microfade testing of coloring materials Hyatt Regency MinneapolisLoys Boivin • Céline Daher • Loys Boivin • Céline Daher • Jean-Paul Gandolfo • Bruno Le Namouric • Gaël Quintric • Chloé Ranchoux (Preventive Care) Van Gogh in motion: Safeguarding lined and unlined Van Gogh paintings from vibration and mechanical shock during transport Hyatt Regency MinneapolisSaskia van Oudheusden • Kerstin Kracht • Saskia van Oudheusden (Research & Technical Studies) Testing for lead on sculpture: defining useful thresholds in a liability- and safety-minded America Hyatt Regency MinneapolisSarah Montonchaikul • Ellen Rand • Sarah Montonchaikul • Soon Kai Poh • Ellen Rand • Lynda Zycherman (Textiles) If you Give a Mouse a Cookie: The use of Solvent Gels, Painted Overlays, and a Heating Pad in the Treatment of a Crazy Quilt Hyatt Regency MinneapolisMichelle Leung • Michelle Leung

3:00pm CDT

4:00pm CDT

(Contemporary Art) In name only? Collecting and caring for non-delegated performance artworks Hyatt Regency MinneapolisBrian Castriota • Brian Castriota (Electronic Media) Pay No Attention to that Unit Behind the Curtain: Identification, Assessment, and Documentation of Control Systems Hyatt Regency MinneapolisTom Ensom • Daniella Briceño Villamil • Tom Ensom • Daniella Briceño Villamil (Objects) Mighty Powder: Demonstrating that fumed silica increases the adhesive strength of Acryloid B-72 Hyatt Regency MinneapolisRenée Stein • Olivia L. F. Boyd • Elly Stewart Davis • Connie B. Roth • Renée Stein (Paintings) A Collaboration Between Two Private Practice Firms: The Conservation and Restoration of Noël Hallé’s Abraham and the Three Angels Hyatt Regency MinneapolisCorrine Long • Gianfranco Pocobene • Bitzy Couling • Corrine Long • Gianfranco Pocobene • Oliver Watkiss (Photographic Materials) Handcrafted Preservation: Custom Storage Solutions for Photographs at the Archivo de la Memoria Trans Argentina Hyatt Regency MinneapolisCarolina Nastri • Carolina Figueredo • Carolina Nastri • Ornella Vega (Preventive Care) Heat protective covers: Enhancing Fire Preparedness for Cultural Collections and the case study of Emergency Planning in France Hyatt Regency MinneapolisGrégoire Bernand • Grégoire Bernand (Research & Technical Studies) The role of adsorption in the solubilization of paper degradation products: Using treatment observations as a springboard for scientific advances Hyatt Regency MinneapolisTeresa Duncan • Barbara Berrie • Teresa Duncan • Michelle Sullivan (Textiles) Strategic(?) use of adhesive in treating fractured silk gauze layers of a complex garment. Hyatt Regency MinneapolisJennifer L. Cruise • Jennifer L. Cruise

4:30pm CDT

4:50pm CDT

5:00pm CDT

5:10pm CDT

Friday, May 30

8:30am CDT

9:00am CDT

9:15am CDT

9:30am CDT

10:30am CDT

11:00am CDT

11:30am CDT

2:00pm CDT

2:05pm CDT

2:10pm CDT

2:30pm CDT

3:00pm CDT

3:10pm CDT

3:15pm CDT

4:00pm CDT

4:05pm CDT

4:10pm CDT

4:12pm CDT

4:15pm CDT

4:20pm CDT

4:25pm CDT

4:30pm CDT

4:40pm CDT

4:50pm CDT

4:55pm CDT

5:00pm CDT

5:10pm CDT

5:15pm CDT

5:20pm CDT

5:25pm CDT

5:30pm CDT

Saturday, May 31

8:15am CDT

8:30am CDT

8:50am CDT

9:10am CDT

9:30am CDT

10:30am CDT

11:00am CDT

11:30am CDT

12:00pm CDT

1:30pm CDT

2:00pm CDT

2:30pm CDT

5:00pm CDT

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