About me
Camille holds a BA in Art History from Oberlin College, and an MA in Costume and Textiles Conservation from the Fashion Institute of Technology. She spent five years in the Textile Conservation Laboratory at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City before moving to the Textile Conservation Center at the American Textile History Museum, in Lowell, Massachusetts. She founded Museum Textile Services in 1999 as a full-service textile conservation studio serving museums, historical societies, and private collectors. Museum Textile Service’s conservation and exhibition collaborations have received awards from the AAM, AASLH, NEMA, and Maine Preservation. In 2015 Camille co-founded the Andover Figures® line of custom museum forms for conservators and collections specialists. She is a Fellow of the AIC, the former Chair of the Ethics and Standards Committee. She is also the co-chair of the Conservation Affinity Group of the New England Museum Association, where she was previously an Independent Museum Professional co-chair. Camille is an instructor at the Center for Collections Care at Beloit College, and has taught elsewhere in the United States, the Dominican Republic, Portugal, and Peru.