About me
Mariana Di Giacomo is the Natural History Conservator at the Yale Peabody Museum and recently finished her three-year tenure as Chair of the Conservation at Yale Steering Committee, where she still serves. Prior to coming to Yale, she spent three years as a Conservation Fellow at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, where she did research on conservation of fossils and microscope slides mounting media. She completed her PhD in Preservation Studies at the University of Delaware, where she also taught classes on collections documentation and natural history conservation. She was born in Uruguay, where she completed her B.S and M.S. in Biology and Zoology, respectively, at the Universidad de la República, both degrees with concentrations in Vertebrate Paleontology. While in Uruguay, Mariana worked in the Arroyo del Vizcaíno Collection, a fossil collection of Pleistocene mammals that has remarkable preservation and complicated field logistics, performing collections management and preparation tasks. This work inspired her to continue her studies in the conservation of fossils. Mariana is involved as a volunteer at the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, and is an advocate for the care and conservation of natural history collections, working with colleagues from around the world.