About me
YURI YANCHYSHYN is the principal and senior conservator of Period Furniture Conservation LLC and Kensington Preservation LLC, both metropolitan New York City firms dedicated to wooden artifact conservation, as well as cultural heritage objects preservation. Yuri holds degrees from the University of Michigan and the California Institute of the Arts. He received conservation training from the Amsterdam Academy for Restoration and the Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education. Before the founding of his firms, Yuri worked as a consulting conservator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Yuri has treated wooden objects for more than 40 years and was awarded Fulbright Specialist Status in 2018, teaching wooden artifact conservation at the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine. In 2019, he was awarded Fulbright Scholar status and returned to teach in Ukraine once again. Since the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, he has been involved in numerous initiatives to preserve Ukraine's cultural heritage. Please visit the firms’ websites for an overview of his work and treatments.
http://periodfurnitureconservation.com and http://kensingtonpreservation.com