Welcome to the AIC Annual Meeting Program! Browse our draft schedule for the 2025 meeting in Minneapolis!


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Banner photo by Lane Pelovsky, Courtesy of Meet Minneapolis
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Thursday, May 29

12:00pm CDT

(Luncheon) Forging Connections: Working Together to Build and Sustain Small-Team Preservation Programs in Libraries and Archives - Cost $35
Thursday May 29, 2025 12:00pm - 2:00pm CDT
  • $35 registration fee
  • Adding this event to your schedule does not guarantee you a space. You must add it to your registration via the above "Add to Registration" button.

Are you a conservator or preservation technician working alone or in a small team, managing all aspects of preservation and/or conservation for both special and circulating library and archival collections? Do you find yourself navigating these responsibilities with limited resources or support? Join us for a lunch session to address these unique challenges that so many in our field experience, explore practical solutions for building and sustaining robust preservation programs, and continue to build your network.

In June 2024 a group of five “Lone Conservators” working in university libraries began meeting informally on Zoom every two weeks after connecting at AIC’s Annual Conference in Salt Lake City. We come from different parts of the world and we share a common experience: each of us is tasked with handling multiple roles, as our institutions lack the budget for fully staffed Preservation/Conservation Departments. While some university libraries are creating preservation or collections care positions, these roles are often filled by just one conservator tasked with overseeing entire programs. As a result, what were once well-staffed preservation efforts are being reduced to smaller teams, leaving fewer people to manage large collections that continue to deteriorate. Over the months of meeting we are finding great support in one another by creating a cross-institutional department meeting, an active Discord channel, and a fileshare where we exchange helpful documentation and protocols. Our hope is to expand this network and connect with more conservators in similar roles, inviting them to join us and benefit from the support we’ve found in one another.

This session serves as an extension of themes we discuss in our bi-monthly meetings and focuses on:

  • Building Networks and Sharing Resources: Strategies for connecting with local and online cultural heritage communities and sharing best practices and resources.
  • Overcoming Institutional Challenges: Effective communication to advocate for preservation needs, change institutional culture around preservation, and manage with limited budgets and staff.
  • Making the most of Resources: Prioritizing tasks, finding cost-efficient preservation methods and materials, setting up functional labs, and developing tools for management and collaboration.
  • Documentation and Policies: Creating and maintaining comprehensive documentation and developing effective preservation policies.
  • Professional Development: Opportunities for training and career growth to enhance skills and advance in the field.

Our group has grown already and we aim to open up this bi-monthly virtual meeting place for anyone who would benefit from joining. We continue to develop ideas, come up with ways to advocate for one another within our institutions, and organize as a group. We're excited to share our progress and discuss your thoughts during this lunch session!

Our panel will feature four professionals – Amanda Richards (University of Tennessee), Carrie Smith (Tulane University), Fleur van der Woude (University of Arizona), and Nora Bloch (Virginia Commonwealth University) – who navigate these challenges and will share their insights and stories. Attendees will be encouraged to participate in the conversation, share their experiences, and collaborate on solutions. Together, we can inspire each other and strengthen the field of library and archive preservation and conservation.
avatar for Nora Bloch

Nora Bloch

Collections Care Librarian and Conservator, Virginia Commonwealth University)
Nora Bloch holds a Master’s of Library and Information Studies from the University of California--Los Angeles and a B.A. in Classical Studies from the University of California--Santa Cruz.  Additionally, she holds a MA in Book and Paper Conservation from West Dean College in England... Read More →
avatar for Amanda Richards

Amanda Richards

Preservation Technician, University of Tennessee Library
avatar for Carrie Smith

Carrie Smith

Conservation Librarian, Tulane University Libraries
Carrie Smith is the Conservation Librarian at Tulane University Libraries. She was most recently an Assistant Conservator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Prior to that, she held conservation positions at New York University, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, National Postal... Read More →
avatar for Fleur van der Woude

Fleur van der Woude

Special Collections Preventive Conservator, University of Arizona Libraries
Fleur van der Woude works at University of Arizona Libraries Special Collections in Tucson, AZ. She manages the Preservation Studio, where a small team works on a broad range of activities to ensure preservation and accessibility of Special Collections and circulating collections... Read More →
Thursday May 29, 2025 12:00pm - 2:00pm CDT
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis

12:00pm CDT

(Luncheon) Foundations of Spectral Imaging of Cultural Heritage Objects (Multiband, Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imaging) - Cost $35
Thursday May 29, 2025 12:00pm - 2:00pm CDT
  • $35 registration fee
  • Adding this event to your schedule does not guarantee you a space. You must add it to your registration via the above "Add to Registration" button.

The lunch session is designed to delve into the fundamental aspects of multiband (MBI), multispectral (MSI), and hyperspectral (HSI) imaging in a welcoming setting that invites learning, inquiry, and exchange. The first part of the session will include an invited presentation on light-matter interaction focusing on the phenomena that provides the foundation for MBI, MSI and HSI. The second part of the session shifts from phenomena to technique and will include two invited presenters to cover MBI and imaging spectroscopy (MSI and HSI). The presenters will define these techniques and their principles of operation, highlighting advantages and limitations of the techniques with case studies of applications and media. Presenters will also touch on instrumentation and requirements for setup, calibration, processing, and analysis. Other important topics include the knowledge required to acquire and interpret spectral data and variations in equipment setups and corresponding general price points. Each of the presentations will be followed by time for Q&A and a resource document will be assembled to share with participants. The session will be recorded as an intended resource for the community.

  • Kate Dooley, Imaging Scientist, National Gallery of Art: Light-Matter Interaction
  • Jiuan Jiuan Chen, Assoc. Professor, Buffalo State University: Multiband Imaging
  • Olivia Kuzio, Assistant Scientist, Getty Conservation Institute: Imaging Spectroscopy (Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imaging)
The session is continuing to be co-developed with the invited speakers and representatives from Imaging Working Group (IWG), Book and Paper Specialty Group (BPG), Photographic Materials Group (PMG), and Research and Technical Studies Specialty Group (RATS).

The lunch session fits into a larger imaging program at the Annual Meeting that will include a joint specialty session looking at case studies of applications and interpretation (BPG, PMG, RATS), and a concurrent general session (pulling together a range of media, techniques, and applications). The lunch will be held at the beginning of the conference to lay a foundation for the joint and concurrent general sessions.
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Jiuan Jiuan Chen

Assoc. Prof, Buffalo State University
Jiuan Jiuan Chen is the Associate Professor of Conservation Imaging, Technical Examination, and Documentation at the Patricia H. and Richard E. Garman Art Conservation Department at SUNY Buffalo State University. She received the Sheldon and Caroline Keck Award in 2023 in recognition... Read More →
avatar for Kate Dooley

Kate Dooley

Imaging Scientist, National Gallery of Art
Kate Dooley is a Research Scientist in the Scientific Research Department at the National Gallery of Art and is interested in the spectroscopic identification and mapping of materials and chemical imaging methods. She graduated with her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Michigan... Read More →
avatar for Olivia Kuzio

Olivia Kuzio

Assistant Scientist, Getty Conservation Institute
Olivia works in the GCI Science Department's Technical Studies Research laboratory, where her projects center around imaging systems. She focuses on expanding the Institute's capabilities in hyperspectral imaging and incorporating it with other scientific imaging techniques, such... Read More →
Thursday May 29, 2025 12:00pm - 2:00pm CDT
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis

12:00pm CDT

(Luncheon) Our Stories: Communicating Conservation when Presenting to a General Audience - Cost $35
Thursday May 29, 2025 12:00pm - 2:00pm CDT
  • $35 registration fee
  • Adding this event to your schedule does not guarantee you a space. You must add it to your registration via the above "Add to Registration" button.

The work of art, architectural and archeological conservators is frequently covered in commercial media like The New Yorker, Atlantic, New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal. Yet only a handful of conservators have been actively writing our stories for general audiences. That is changing now, and this panel aims to show some of the strategies that some practitioners are using to communicate our ideas. The goal of such writing is to bring visibility to our profession and to ensure that what is told about us is accurate as well as interesting. In popular media we tend to be depicted as either basement-dwelling nitpickers or Indiana Jones style swashbucklers.  But the true elegance of our work, the mindset that goes into our commitments to doing no harm and protecting work for the future, as well as how our approach to repair can be a metaphor for other ways to live in the world, is rarely seen in writing about conservation done by others. This panel will show current writing by five practitioners who regularly promote conservation to general audiences. Each will read from something they have written and describe their goals and approach to writing. Then we will open it to the audience for conversation and discussion. The goal of the panel is to spur our community to more writing and more communication with the world at large.
avatar for Jim Coddington

Jim Coddington

James L. Coddington served as The Agnes Gund Chief Conservator at The Museum of Modern Art from 2002 to 2016. Mr. Coddington joined the Museum as Associate Conservator in 1987, rising to become Senior Conservator, and then Chief Conservator in 1996.In 2013, Mr. Coddington completed... Read More →
avatar for Rosa Lowinger

Rosa Lowinger

Founder/ Conservator, RLA Conservation
Rosa Lowinger is 1984 graduate of the Conservation Center at NYU’s Institute of Fine Arts and a Fellow of the American Institute for Conservation. She founded Los Angeles' Sculpture Conservation Studio and RLA Conservation of Art + Architecture an architecture and objects studio... Read More →
Thursday May 29, 2025 12:00pm - 2:00pm CDT
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis

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