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8:00am • PSG Networking Event
8:30am • (Architecture + Preventive Conservation) Building Together Better: Establishing Dynamic Models for Collections Storage Planning at The New York Public Library Research Libraries
8:30am • (Wooden Artifacts) Unleashing the Evidence: Creating an Interactive Didactic Centered on Conservation-Derived Content
8:30am • (Textiles) “Form Inventions”: A Technical Analysis of Barbara Rossi’s Prints on Textiles
8:30am • (Book & Paper + Photographic Materials + RATS +Imaging) Investigating Transmitted Infrared Imaging to Detect Chalk Media on the Verso of Lined Stradanus Drawings
8:30am • (Objects) Fit to float: Conservation of a Painted Canvas and Birchbark Canoe
8:30am • (CAN! - VoCA) The conversation in a language of love. Passion or murder? An interactive presentation between Chilean artist Daniela Rivera and Spanish conservator Ruth del Fresno-Guillem
9:00am • (Book & Paper + Photographic Materials + RATS+Imaging) Colorant Detectives: An Interactive Dichotomous Key for Multiband Imaging
9:00am • (CAN-VoCA) Planting the Seed: Collaboration in the Preservation of Kraus Campo
9:00am • (Wooden Artifacts) How do you fill? How hallway conversations built collaborations for the conservation of wooden objects
9:00am • (Architecture + Preventive Conservation) Flood Barriers: Examining and Improving Flood Preparedness at Museums and Sites in Historic Buildings
9:00am • (Paintings) “Preserving Oversize Paintings: Collaborative Innovations between Paintings Conservation and Collections Management at the Heritage Conservation Centre, Singapore”
9:00am • (Textiles) In the French Style: The Conservation of an 18th Century Chinese Tapestry in the Collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art
9:00am • (Objects) “Turning the Feather Around”: Conservation of a Monumental George Morrison Mural
9:15am • (Book & Paper + Photographic Materials + RATS +Imaging) Automating Image Registration with OpenCV-Python: Lowering the Cost Barrier for Multiband and Multispectral Imaging Setups
9:30am • (Textiles) Stranger than it Seams: Treatment of a 19th-century Painted Embroidered Picture
9:30am • (Book & Paper + Photographic Materials + RATS+ Imaging) Using multispectral imaging to augment digitized West African manuscripts
9:30am • (Objects) Radiography in the Round: Capturing and Viewing X-rays in 360°
9:30am • (Wooden Artifacts) In Between the Layers: Technical Study of a Contemporary Vietnamese Lacquer Painting
9:30am • (Architecture + Preventive Conservation) Preserving Ukraine's Cultural Heritage during Russia's Invasion
9:30am • (Paintings) Andy Warhol's Oxidation Paintings
9:30am • (CAN!/VoCA) Developing a Designer Residency Program from the ground up
10:00am • Morning Exhibit Hall Break
10:30am • (Paintings) A Mysterious Pair: the treatment and technical study of Veronese’s Allegories of Navigation at LACMA
10:30am • (Research & Technical Studies) Challenges and benefits of community-based participatory research (CBPR) in technical art history and conservation science: The Tikuna/Magüta blue case
10:30am • (Objects) Perpetual Conservation: a continuing collaboration to conserve Jack Nelson’s kinetic Sculpture Clock
10:30am • (Textiles) Glue Me Once, Glue Me Twice: Adhesive Retreatment of an Early 18th C Embroidered Palampore
10:30am • (Architecture + Preventive Conservation) Let there be light (or maybe not)
10:30am • (Electronic Media) Learning on the Job with Maintenance Culture: Creating a digital media art preservation Field Guide and trainings for small shops and artists - a 90 minute panel
10:30am • (Wooden Artifacts) Re-define the craquelure patterns on traditional Chinese musical instrument guqin with advanced imaging techniques RTI and micro-CT
10:30am • (Book and Paper) The Ties That Bind: Communication, Collaboration, and Cross-Disciplinary Professional Development in the Service of Library Special Collections
10:30am • (CAN!/VoCA) The Evolution of Glenstone Museum’s Artist Oral History Program
11:00am • (Research & Technical Studies) Embracing Uncertainty: Exploring New Perspectives in the Story of a Chinese Lacquer Screen
11:00am • (Book and Paper) A History of the Books in Taiwan: The Transformation of Bookbinding Formats During the Period under Japanese Rule (1895-1945)
11:00am • (Architecture + Preventive Conservation) Common HVAC issues and ways to avoid or correct them.
11:00am • (Textiles) Alf Engen Ski Museum Gets a Lift
11:00am • (Wooden Artifacts) Furthering Conservation in Wartime Ukraine
11:00am • (Objects) Gorgonized by Her Monsterful Snoutfair Visage: Harriet Hosmer's Medusa in Context
11:00am • (Paintings) “I paint paintings”: The materials, techniques, and conservation of Joan Mitchell’s Paintings on Canvas
11:00am • (CAN!/VoCA) Bringing in new voices: the next generation of the Artist Documentation Program
11:30am • (Research & Technical Studies) Our Elusive Yellow Whale: New Findings on the History and Identification of Patent Yellow/Lead Oxychloride Pigment in Painted Heritage Objects
11:30am • (CAN!/VoCA)Evolving Dialogues: Revisiting the Artist Interview
11:30am • (Architecture + Preventive Conservation) “Understanding the Problem and Defining the Goal: Environmental Assessments in Historic Buildings and Collections in the NPS, Region 1”
11:30am • Conservator as Project Manager:Lessons I learned and friends I made while moving a Keith Haring Mural
11:30am • (Textiles) A comparative practical study to evaluate the impact of the selected Bio and Synthetic polymers loaded with cleaning agents applied for reduction different stains from dyed stained wool fabric
11:30am • (Book and Paper) Sympathetic to Synthetics: Developing Tear Repairs for Matte Laminated Papers in Twenty-first Century Periodical Covers
11:30am • (Objects) Still Got The Blues: The Technical Study and Conservation Treatment of a Tian-Tsui Headdress
11:45am • (Book and Paper) When Outreach Reaches Back: The Treatment and Re-Treatment of Katsukawa Shunshō’s Abalone Fishergirl with an Octopus
12:00pm • Luncheon - Objects Tips Lunch - Cost $39
12:00pm • (Luncheon ) Embracing “It Depends”: A Collaborative Discussion on Navigating Ambiguity in Art Conservation - Cost $39
12:00pm • ( Luncheon) The Impact of the New Orleans Charter after 30 Years - Cost $39
12:00pm • Book and Paper Group Wiki Discussion
2:00pm • (Conservation in Times of Historical Conflict) Before There Was War, There Was Kristallnacht
2:00pm • (Leading the Way: Conservation Strategies in Museum Redevelopment) Introduction by Session Chair Vanessa Applebaum and Sponsor Remarks by Tru Vue
2:00pm • (Collaboration in Conservation Education) A Broad Brush Approach to Learning: Preserving Community Heritage
2:00pm • (Capturing Complexity: Addressing Imaging Challenges through Collaboration) A Partnership Between The City Palace Museum in Udaipur and The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York: The Joint Study of Mewar Paintings Through Multiband Imaging
2:00pm • (Lighting the Way: Museum Illumination Policies and MIcroFade Testing) Intrroduction
2:00pm • (We’re All in This Together: Conservation Outreach and Community Engagement) Introduction
2:05pm • (We’re All in This Together: Conservation Outreach and Community Engagement) Teacher/Conservator Co-Creation: Lessons in K-12 Outreach at the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts
2:10pm • (Leading the Way: Conservation Strategies in Museum Redevelopment) Let there be light: reintroducing natural light with mixed displays at the National Portrait Gallery London
2:10pm • (Lighting the Way: Museum Illumination Policies and MIcroFade Testing) Sustainability-based decision making for museum lighting
2:25pm • (We’re All in This Together: Conservation Outreach and Community Engagement) Letters to a Pre-Scientist: Accessible and Inclusive K-12 Outreach for Every Conservator
2:30pm • (Capturing Complexity: Addressing Imaging Challenges through Collaboration) Photogrammetry Fast: Developing a New Automated Pipeline.
2:30pm • (Collaboration in Conservation Education) Strategies for Accessible and Collaborative Training in Indigenous Collections Care
2:30pm • (We’re All in This Together: Conservation Outreach and Community Engagement) Community-Led Preservation: Our Stuff, Our Stories at the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts
2:30pm • (Conservation in Times of Historical Conflict) Conservation, site preservation, and civil war at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Jebel Barkal, Sudan: lessons from work during armed conflict
2:35pm • (Leading the Way: Conservation Strategies in Museum Redevelopment) “If you build it, they will come”: Building a Climate-Controlled Storage Unite Inside a 1940s Warehouse on a Navy Base
2:35pm • (Lighting the Way: Museum Illumination Policies and MIcroFade Testing) Tribute and Light: An Honest Telling of Lighting Policy at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum
2:40pm • (We’re All in This Together: Conservation Outreach and Community Engagement) Establishing a Conservation Outreach Position at the Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art
3:00pm • (Lighting the Way: Museum Illumination Policies and MIcroFade Testing) Illuminating Acceptable Change: Collaborative, Data-Driven Lighting Guidelines
3:00pm • (Collaboration in Conservation Education) Teaching and Networking as a Strategy for the Preventive Conservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage at the University of São Paulo and in Brazil
3:00pm • (We’re All in This Together: Conservation Outreach and Community Engagement) The Stories We Keep: Conservation as the bridge to connect visitors, staff and the Carnegie Museum of Natural History’s collections.
3:00pm • (Capturing Complexity: Addressing Imaging Challenges through Collaboration) The Challenge of Chemical Reagents:The Verona Gaius and Vergil Palimpsests at the Confluence of Technologies
3:00pm • (Leading the Way: Conservation Strategies in Museum Redevelopment) Hundreds of objects, very few of us: treatment, prioritization, and teamwork during the Yale Peabody Museum renovation
3:00pm • (Conservation in Times of Historical Conflict) Wooden Churches in Wartime Ukraine: Conservation Challenges
3:10pm • (We’re All in This Together: Conservation Outreach and Community Engagement) (Un)Concealed Layers: design + public reception of a technical analysis exhibition
3:15pm • (Collaboration in Conservation Education) Enhancing Diversity in Conservation through Collaboration at the World’s Largest Consortium of HBCUs
3:30pm • Afternoon Break in the Exhibit Hall and Poster Q&A Session
4:00pm • (Documenting Reactivations: Between Materials & Sensory Experiences and Interactions) Jordan Wolfson's Body Sculpture: Transferring skills and documenting robots at the National Gallery of Australia.
4:00pm • (Prioritizing People Over Objects: Re-imagining Conservation Ethics) Introduction
4:00pm • (Context-Based Practice: Conservation Field Services) Embedding Community Conservators in Public Libraries: Conservation as a Public Service
4:00pm • (Digitization and Open Access to Conservation Research and Technical Images) Introduction
4:00pm • (Elements of Effective Collaboration) Introduction and Sponsor Remarks by Click Netherfield
4:00pm • (Inside Out: Rewriting the Power Dynamics in Conservation) Introduction
4:05pm • (Inside Out: Rewriting the Power Dynamics in Conservation) NEW Conservation Leadership Program with a Foundation in Cultural Equity
4:10pm • (Elements of Effective Collaboration) A Focused and Critical Look at Collaborative Relationships at the National Museum of the American Indian
4:12pm • (Digitization and Open Access to Conservation Research and Technical Images) Publishing Technical Material on a Museum Website: The Early Netherlandish Paintings at The Met as a Case Study
4:15pm • (Context-Based Practice: Conservation Field Services) Acts of Commemoration: When Narrative Precedes Material Context at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum
4:15pm • (Prioritizing People Over Objects: Re-imagining Conservation Ethics) Darning the Wear of Time in the 21st Century: Redefining the Art Historical Narrative and the Role of the Textile Conservator
4:20pm • (Documenting Reactivations: Between Materials & Sensory Experiences and Interactions) A Touchy Subject: Advancing Tactile Accessibility for Everyone
4:20pm • (Inside Out: Rewriting the Power Dynamics in Conservation) Managing change - Leadership in conservation and science for a new era
4:25pm • (Elements of Effective Collaboration) Building Bridges: Reflections from a Collaborative Conservation Project
4:25pm • (Context-Based Practice: Conservation Field Services) A Field Services Guide to Emergency Response
4:30pm • (Prioritizing People Over Objects: Re-imagining Conservation Ethics) Resonating Change through Collections Stewardship: The Creation of the Indigenous Collections Care (ICC) Guide
4:30pm • (Digitization and Open Access to Conservation Research and Technical Images) Developing a Legacy of Open Access, Digital Catalogs at the Indianapolis Museum of Art
4:40pm • (Inside Out: Rewriting the Power Dynamics in Conservation) Empowering Black Preservation: A Collaboration of Community, Conservation, and Construction at Mt Zion Baptist Church in Athens, Ohio
4:40pm • (Documenting Reactivations: Between Materials & Sensory Experiences and Interactions) Future lives: Collaborative approaches to the Conservation of Choreographic Artworks
4:45pm • (Context-Based Practice: Conservation Field Services) Cultivating Collaborative Care: The Sol Legare Community, Clemson University, and the Seashore Farmers’ Lodge
4:50pm • (Inside Out: Rewriting the Power Dynamics in Conservation) Your Neighborhood Museum: creating a workspace for sustainable community-led cultural heritage preservation models
4:50pm • (Elements of Effective Collaboration) Supporting Our Communities On the Edge: Community-led conservation in the midst of the climate crisis
4:55pm • (Prioritizing People Over Objects: Re-imagining Conservation Ethics) Traditional Care and Western Care – A “Kinship” Approach to Collections Care
5:00pm • (Documenting Reactivations: Between Materials & Sensory Experiences and Interactions) Visceral Adipose Tissue: Overcoming Boundaries for the Presentation and Preservation of 2000-04-11 by Gu Dexin
5:00pm • (Digitization and Open Access to Conservation Research and Technical Images) From Shared Mission to Shared Resources: The Joint Design and Development of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation and NYU Kress Conservation Websites
5:10pm • (Elements of Effective Collaboration) Thirty Sailors Walk into a Museum: A Story of Collaboration Between Collections Professionals and a US Naval Nuclear Submarine Crew
5:10pm • (Inside Out: Rewriting the Power Dynamics in Conservation) Community-Inclusive Public Art Conservation: Inner Resources Mural Conservation Apprenticeship Project
5:15pm • (Context-Based Practice: Conservation Field Services) Q&A and Panel discussion
5:15pm • (Prioritizing People Over Objects: Re-imagining Conservation Ethics) To Box or Not to Box that is the question of Being Boxed in - The Designing Process of Culturally Sensitive Containers
5:20pm • (Inside Out: Rewriting the Power Dynamics in Conservation) Lighting Round Q&A and Panel Discussion
5:20pm • (Documenting Reactivations: Between Materials & Sensory Experiences and Interactions) Panel Discussion
5:25pm • (Elements of Effective Collaboration) Panel Discussion
5:30pm • (Prioritizing People Over Objects: Re-imagining Conservation Ethics) Panel Q/A and Discussion
5:30pm • (Digitization and Open Access to Conservation Research and Technical Images) Panel Discussion